Thursday, August 13, 2009

LEADERSHIP Series: False Talk Harms

Sometimes it’s the little things that cause the biggest problems in business – like that “little white lie” that seems to often grow faster than even bamboo!

There are two offenses with false talk: harming truth is the first – and surely vital in an ethical business environment; the second, equally as important (and maybe more so) is that false talk always harms others. Leaders (all people – leaders and servants) must not harm. They must help.

Proverbs 13:5 (MSG) A good person hates false talk; a bad person wallows in gibberish.

The little “false talk” grows larger, quickly, and the first sprout of that little white lie is soon a swamp of foolish foliage surrounding the liar. Wallowing becomes a powerful verb about the deceiver.

A person given to “false talk” lacks the framework to exercise leadership – especially the attributes of empathy, selfless initiative and foresight. The underbrush of half-truths, lies, exaggerations and deceit are not easily cleared from the forest of this mind. Just as it takes discipline to weed a garden, it also takes discipline to clear the “underbrush” of the mind – you can’t just trim the top of the weeds – you must get the roots out.

Self-deception makes root pulling practically impossible. We are easily mesmerized by the cutting of the tops of the underbrush: the pulling out of the roots is a gift of God. He forgives and cleans – He refreshes the soil of the soul. We simply must recognize and repent. Leadership that changes people and organization begins with self-awareness.

Believing leaders are to “speak truth to our neighbors” and we are not to “lie to one another.” Honoring Truth is tough (remembering it is both grace & truth that encourages others) and takes a commitment of the heart – you must hate lies – even the little white ones.

Is the forest of your soul populated with trimmed truth-trees?

And, do you have some underbrush that needs tending? I know, I do.

Copyright ©2009 by P. Griffith Lindell

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