Believing leaders face a challenge: Christian’s believe that the concept of ethics (the study of human character) follow the concepts revealed in the study of the character of God (theology). We act ethically when we reflect the revealed character of God.
Proverbs 30:5-6 (NLV) Every word of God has been proven true (pure). He is a safe covering to those who trust in Him. Do not add to His words, or He will speak strong words to you and prove you to be a liar.
Do we really believe this? Our culture demands "tolerance" for behaviors that God called sin: tolerance for life-styles that do not please Him; tolerance for visual stimulation in music videos and movies that only appeal to our prurient natures; tolerance to accept many ways to God when our hope is in one-way, one truth and one life; tolerance that, even in a business setting, truth can be relative.
Our lives do have meaning. To be really Christ-like in this environment takes faith that He is our refuge, our shield, and our protector.
Our personal and business core values must be clear, consistent and courageous – and yet remain contagious, irresistible, inviting.
Does your leadership style reflect what is attractive and pure?
Copyright ©2009 by P. Griffith Lindell