Monday, June 8, 2009

LEADERSHIP Series: Avoiding the Seductions of Wealth

We have become society that is more concerned about how we look, how much we are liked, and how saying the “right things” rather than behaving with values that reflects Wisdom that comes from the Truth.

Taking a stand in business for The Truth sometimes will yield sneering. To battle that belittling attitude, Christian leaders must remember, "Wisdom is better than all the trappings of wealth." It is a lie that "he who has the most toys, wins."

The Christian business person must excel at business using principles that honor God and people. Doing business in a way that both people and God are pleased takes supernatural infusion of Wisdom. Because our hearts are “desperately wicked,” we can easily be deceived. We must consistently ask for Wisdom, in faith, not doubting.

Christian business leaders who live in the pursuit of business success and personal significance find the source of strength in their Creator-Lord, not their balance sheet. They may take some "hits" from the "ruler of this world;" but, undaunted, they focus on the goal set before them by their Lord and press on toward a higher calling then personal net worth.

Proverbs 8:11 (MSG) For Wisdom is better than all the trappings of wealth; nothing you could wish for holds a candle to her.

What do you “wish for?” Wealth or Wisdom?

Copyright ©2009 by P. Griffith Lindell

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