Friday, June 12, 2009

LEADERSHIP Series: Leader’s Language Heals or Hurts

In his book, Leadership Without Easy Answers, Harvard professor Ronald Heifetz posits that the role of leadership is changing: the new role is “to help people face reality and to mobilize them to make change.”

Change has been a hot topic recently and change is at least painful and at worst potentially destructive. Positive change in our relationship takes intentionality. People are sometimes “destroyed” by what is said and how it is said as they spontaneously react negatively to the change.

Crosby, in his book The Absolutes of Leadership, posits that there exist five leadership personalities:
o “Destructor – see things only from their own perspective;”
o “Procrastinators – waste people’s time and energy;”
o “Caretaker – who is frozen in time”;
o Preparer – plan well but are inflexible; and,
o “Accomplisher”– who through words and deeds inspire, motivate all stakeholders to move the organization ahead.

What is interesting is that the communication styles move along a continuum that is similar to this verse – the “Destructor” will use rash language that cuts and maims, while the “Accomplisher” is a wise communicator, healing customers, suppliers and employees so that all are building positive relationship with the business.

Business strategy is virtually meaningless until the leader successfully motivates the team to change. Motivation is the predicate of healing words, words that build and do not destroy; words that inspire personal change in behavior for the benefit of the individual and the organization.

Proverbs 12:18 (MSG) Rash language cuts and maims, but there is healing in the words of the wise.

The wise leader recognizes the various impacts of change on the team and carefully chooses language and speaks words that heal by creating value and meaning for each person experiencing the change.

Are you leading with words that heal or maim?

Copyright ©2009 P. Griffith Lindell

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