Friday, May 1, 2009

LEADERSHIP Series: In Tough Times Leaders Relax Then Lead

Thoughts about leadership come from many diverse sources. While thinking about sharing my thoughts on stillness and resting, relaxing and leading, I was in bed, also reading a Tanenbaum novel last night wherein this description awoke my thinking:
“Lucy in the meantime was exercising her primary religious talent…simply keeping still and reflecting in peace and gratitude. This had a radiating effect on the other lunchers.”

That author captured the both the wonder of stillness and result it produces. This result will impact all those around - all those watching you. You want to be a magnet of quiet meaning to those seeking rest and relaxation from the troubles of their life? Relax.

If lost in the woods, we are taught to be still. Stay in one place. Our nature is to move. Run. Flee. Frantically find the way out. Instead of frenetic activity, on writer advised, "I have stilled and quieted myself, just as a small child is quiet with its mother."1

This verse says there is a simple method that will provide what you need to learn to relax and it’s free!

Go deep into life – be still. It takes patience and discipline to quiet self and listen to the still, small voice of our Creator. For hard chargers like me, it is difficult to quiet my mind, my soul and my body – and I want God to shout. Being still – relaxing – I have learned will help you discover your way.

Do life right: Shift your focus. Being self-absorbed brings anxiety: Becoming God-absorbed yields relaxation. The choice should be clear.

In the stillness, to whom are you paying attention?

Proverbs 1:33 (MSG) "First pay attention to me, and then relax. Now you can take it easy--you're in good hands.

Copyright © 2009 by P. Griffith Lindell

1 David, in Psalm 131:2

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